From Among The Twelve.

In all four Gospels, Judas Iscariot is identified as Jesus’ betrayer. Only Luke and John add the detail that “Satan entered him.” In Luke, Satan also has his eye on Simon Peter. Thus the ultimate opponent of the Gospel attempts to undermine it from the inside - seeking to influence two from Jesus’ inner circle. Luke sets the battle against the backdrop of the celebration of the Passover, the remembrance of the Lord and his saving acts towards his people. Join me in a discussion of Luke 21:37-22:8.

Zechariah 14:3-4; 16
Exodus 12:21-27
Luke 10:21
Luke 22:31-32, 34, 40, 42, 46, 52
Ἑτοιμάσατε (Hetoimasate) - to prepare 

Hallucination Rain performed by the New Power Generation 
Episode artwork - The Expulsion of Lucifer by Emilian School

From Among The Twelve.
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