I Am Not Ashamed.

What’s Your Problem?
Hearers of the gospel often put too much emphasis on Jesus’ death as death. In Scripture, death itself is not an issue since all are dust to dust. What carries more weight is the shameful way he was put to death - by crucifixion. While some deaths can be seen as noble and dignified, even heroic and glorious, crucifixion was abject and shameful. When Jesus says that anyone who comes after him must take up his cross and follow him (Mark 8:34), he doesn’t means to death per se, and not to the cross specifically, but in accepting the shame in full obedience, trusting only in God to vindicate him in his own time. This understanding of the Gospel sheds light on Jesus’ teaching that one should turn the other cheek when someone strikes you on one side. Included in my discussion of Romans 1:1-7 and 16-17 is an excerpt from Fr. Paul Tarazi’s audio commentary on Romans: “When someone wrongs you…let it go for heaven’s sake. The only Son of God was put to death on a cross, and you want to sue someone when they insult you? What’s your problem?” 

Exodus 40:34-38
Isaiah 53:10
Mark 8:34, 38
John 12:23, 32
Romans 1:1-7, 16-7; 3:21-22; 8:2
ὑπακοὴν - hypakōe (obedience)
δόξαν - doxa (glory)
וּכְב֣וֹד - ū-ke-bō-wd (and the glory)

Orthodox Audio Bible Commentary by Fr. Paul Tarazi.
“Passing Clouds” performed by Roger Limb.
“Sing A New Song” composed and performed by Raphael Shaheen.
Photo by Alem Sánchez: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-the-crucifix-977659/

I Am Not Ashamed.
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