It Is A Fearful Thing.

On December 3, 1979, as fans lined up for admission to a concert by the Who at Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, they grew impatient and began pushing forward, eventually crashing through the metal and glass barriers and prematurely letting thousands of people inside the venue. In the mad rush toward the stage, 11 people were trampled to death and 26 others injured. The unhinged madness and sheer horror of that scene is not unlike what we hear in the opening verse of Luke chapter 12, where an innumerable multitude of people were gathered together “so that they trampled one another.” Making matters worse, Luke tells us that prior to that, the Pharisees were assailing Jesus vehemently, cross-examining so that they might accuse him.

And yet, despite the pressure of the Pharisees lying in wait to catch him, and amidst the chaos of people trampling each other under foot, Jesus begins to teach: He warns his disciples what it is they need to beware of, and whom it is they should fear. The leaven of the Pharisees is like that salt which, having lost its flavor, is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men (Matthew 5:13). And the threat of punishment is severe for those who would insult the Spirit of Grace and trample underfoot the Son of God. As horrific as it is to hear of a mob of people pummeling each other to death, in Scripture, the real fear factor lies in the verdict of the only judge of all. It is indeed a fearful thing indeed to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:29,31). Join me in a discussion of Luke Chapter 12 verses 1-12.

“Rumeta” performed by 3rd Eye Girl. 
“We Won’t Get Fooled Again” performed by the Who.
It Is A Fearful Thing.
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