Scattered Like Dust.

When we read the Bible, we often do so looking to find some kind of hope. Then we stumble upon the words of our Lord saying, “whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but upon whomever it falls, it will grind him like powder.” That doesn’t sound very hopeful. Isn’t there a third option, Jesus? We are frustrated by Scripture because we expect it to tell us that there is hope in us; that we can do something to make a positive difference. Don’t want to be ground like powder? Do you prefer “scattered like dust”? Whichever way you hear the wording, one thing is certain: this is the Lord’s doing. Unless our hope is in the life that is provided by God in his instruction in Scripture, and not in anything we make with our hands or devise in our heads, we will continue to be hopeless. In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus uses strong words of condemnation against the chief priests and elders of the people because they are more interested in their position of authority than in following the teaching of Scripture. Join me and Noël Neff as we discuss the parable in Matthew chapter 21, verses 33 through 44.

Intro and outro music - “A Couple of Miles” and “Run Amok” - performed by The Flesh.
Scattered Like Dust.
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