By Mercy Or Judgement.

Scripture is relentless against the idols humans build, whether they are physical or mental constructions. Nothing humans build will stand. Everyone is on the same playing field, because no one has status, stature, or power. All will be diminished before the Scriptural God. Join me, Fr. Fred Shaheen, and my guest, Noël Neff, as we hear Acts 12:25-13:12 from a functional perspective. We explore answers to questions like: What’s the significance of the dual names of “John whose surname is Mark” and “Saul who also is called Paul”, and what does any of this have to do with the unsettling character of Bar-Jesus, who is also called Elymas? Our answers may unsettle us, the modern hearer even more, but if we are to hear the Scriptural text as being salvific for us, let us listen!
By Mercy Or Judgement.
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